We’ve recently set up a profile on a social media platform called Houzz, this is all about design, mainly interior design and lifestyle images. We like to think of it as a more specialised version of Pinterest, but specifically for design. Imagine the stack of magazines from which you’ve been trying to get ideas for your home, when you try to find the specific images again it can be quite time-consuming.
That is where Houzz can help you and your designer(s). Houzz has a large directory of beautiful photos which you can browse through, one of its main features allows you to put groups of images into groups called ‘idea books’. These idea books could be thought of as your online scrapbooks, other people can also add to your idea books if you send them an invite. So your interior designer or architect could share ideas with you just by adding photos to this online scrapbook of yours!
You could be looking for a certain type of style for your room or home. You can search Houzz for images with a certain style in mind, it will search its repertoire of images and you can see if there’s anything you like. When you click on an image, it will show you other images in that idea book as well as other images people who have liked that image have also liked. So you can view images that people who have similar tastes to you have found, making it easier to find ideas for your dream room(s).
What’s more, you can find professionals to hire for certain aspects of the designs and perhaps even build your vision. There is also a review system based upon what people think of that particular professional so that you can check their reputation and view their projects and idea books. There is also an advice section where you can post any design-related queries you might have for other design enthusiasts or professionals to answer. You can ask about certain products in photos, post your own photos and ask for advice and a lot more!
To view our Houzz profile, click here.