The advent of the personal computer and computer aided drafting software has made the old fashioned way of producing drawings, namely with a pen or pencil on paper, unusual. It’s true that there are some architects and architectural practices out there that still prepare plans this way but it’s been a long time since I did, and certainly, my younger staff never have.
A client loaned us a drawing that he had been given of his house that had been produced for the builder when the house was built in 1933. There is something beautiful about an old plan like this and you can see the pride and the care the draftsman employed in his draftsmanship. Look at the lettering and the rendering of the solid surfaces and you will see that this drawing conveys more than the information strictly needed to build this house. We also take pride in our work and I would hope this is evident in our drawings too, it’s just that denied the ability to express ourselves with hand drawn graphics, we try to make sure that the plans, sections and elevations are set out on the sheet of paper so that it is pleasing to the eye. As they say, first impressions matter and if, even before the client has studied the content of our drawing, we have created a good impression, then hopefully the client will look at our proposals with a more positive attitude. It seems to be working.
Written by Tony Keller – Building Tectonics Ltd.
