Jade Turney – IT Technician
Jade has been with Building Tectonics for nearly 6 years; joining originally through an IT Apprenticeship. Tony was so impressed by her work that he offered her a permanent IT Technician role at the end of her apprenticeship.
Jade’s role involves anything that IT encompasses – from maintaining the network and developing the database software to making sure that all the team’s PCs are working correctly and performing regular maintenance on them. She also covers network security, makes sure that all the printers are running, fixes anything that goes wrong with hardware and software related, and is responsible for the installation and maintenance of software.
So Jade basically keeps Building Tectonics running smoothly so the rest of the team can do their individual jobs without any problems; as well as being responsible for maintaining the Building Tectonics website.
Three things that inspire Jade:
Gaining knowledge – constantly learning and bettering my own knowledge; which can then be applied at work or in my personal life.
Fixing things – finding out how things work and being able to bring something that’s broken back to a working condition is so rewarding!
Helping people – I know how frustrating it can be when something goes wrong and you don’t know how to fix it, especially when it comes to technology. So being able to help people get back up and running is always very satisfying.
What is your favourite example of Architectural Design? My favourite building is the Bayterek Monument in Kazakhstan; as the abstract element of the design inspires me and also the fact that it was dreamt up based on a local folklore. The folklore follows Samruk, the holy bird of happiness, who lays a golden egg upon the tree of life, otherwise known as Bayterek. At the core of the story, it represents the constant struggle between good and evil. The building itself is 97 metres tall to signify the year Astana was officially named the capital city of Kazakhstan.