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Planning ahead.


Updated: Sep 16, 2022

As the title suggests, today’s blog is going to be about the importance of pre-planning a project. Not just a housing project, but any day-to-day project/task which you may have.

As it’s December, and Christmas is making its way here (at quite an alarming rate in my opinion), ’tis the season to be wrapping. This is a really good example for us to get our point across; wrapping Christmas presents can take up a good amount of time during the winter months! If you are anything like me, you will probably leave your wrapping until the last possible moment (usually Christmas eve), but if you were clever and well-organised you would’ve planned ahead. If you know that you have enough wrapping paper well in advance, a good amount of sellotape, and some ribbon, bows and tags if you’re arty with your wrapping, then you can get it all done without breaking a sweat (hopefully). Maybe even well in advance as well, namely before Christmas eve.

If however, you haven’t thought ahead, you might not have enough wrapping paper, or maybe you do, but you don’t have anything to stick it together with. So you are now running out to the shops on Christmas eve, fighting the other last-minute wrappers, grabbing at the last sellotape like your life depended on it. This, in turn, has caused you a delay in finishing the task because you didn’t plan it ahead of time.

Rolls of red and silver Christmas wrapping paper with ribbons, bows and scissors

Image Courtesy of Google.

Designing your project well in advance goes along the same principles as Christmas wrapping, except that there is no ribbon, and no pretty bows to hide the unfinished edges.

Pre-planning the project on your home is paramount if you wish to have a smooth ride with the building process. Before you go to a builder, you should have explored the options, settled on a scheme, and have everything carefully drawn out by an architectural consultancy. Without these technical drawings, the builder will not have many ideas of the number of materials he will need for the build. If the builder has no idea of how many bricks he will need or how much cement to order he will probably end up ordering the wrong amount and then expect you to pay extra over and above what he first quoted. If you had all of this pre-planned with a thorough set of accurate plans you would get a quote you could rely on, the builder would know what to order, the job would be finished on time and everything would be a lot smoother. It would definitely be a better experience for all.

Written by Jade Turney – Building Tectonics Ltd.


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