PJ Care Ltd in Bletchley, Milton Keynes commissioned Building Tectonics Ltd to design and project manage a 22 bed high dependency registered mental nursing home.
The internal design of the nursing home had to be carefully designed and precautions had to be taken into account when building works were ongoing (for example – locking the doors to rooms in development). The design was done with the full involvement of the Buckinghamshire Health Authority, The Alzheimer’s society and English Partnerships. It uses ideas from ‘Design for Dementia’ and the proposed new government regulations document ‘Fit for the Future'.
The nursing home specializes in providing quality care for people who are experiencing a decline in mental ability, affecting memory, personality, word finding, thinking, problem solving, concentration and perception. The design had to carefully take these factors into account.
The external is intended to be domestic in its character and, together with its low profile is intended to be friendly, calm and unimposing.
Despite the fact that many of these aspects dictating the design were new, the project was delivered in May 2001 on time and on budget.

Written by Jade Turney – Building Tectonics Ltd.