A lot of the recent enquiries which we have been receiving here at Building Tectonics have been from clients who may not know exactly what they want to do to their property, but they do know that they would like it designed around a certain architectural style.
Style is a big thing nowadays, not to say that it hasn’t always been! With the internet and social media becoming the quickest way to share something with everyone who is online, if you happen to walk down the street in some ghastly number that the fashion police would condemn, you can almost guarantee that someone down that street has snapped a photo and stuck it on the internet for all to see and judge.
Now the same thing could be said about buildings and the style of architecture in which they are designed. The main difference is that a building designed in a style which is not befitting to the surroundings stands out for more than a mere day of humiliation walking down the street. However, that being said, if an architect were to try and create a whole new style of architecture…that is a completely different story. Unlike Lady Gaga and her dress made of meat, if an architect wants to pioneer a new style and invoke a reaction, they can do so and be commended for trying even if it doesn’t quite work as a new revolutionary style. Sometimes, the things critics deem ‘ugly’ in architecture can turn out to be the very thing that other architects like, and so begin following the same form…thus creating a new architectural style.
I hear a lot of people using the term ‘contemporary’ when describing styles of architecture that they like, or would like for their property. Others use terms like ‘modernist’ and ‘neo-classical’.
Do you have a favourite style of architecture?

Written by Jade Turney – Building Tectonics